- 欢迎访问黑龙江自考网!本站为考生提供黑龙江自考信息服务,网站信息供学习交流使用,非政府官方网站,官方信息以黑龙江省教育考试院https://www.hljea.org.cn/为主。
11. John has some trouble ________ his girlfriend.
A. in
B. to
C. on
D. with
12. I think all this is ______ bit stupid.
A. a little
B. a few
C. little
D. few
13. Tom and Many are going to _____ married when they return from abroad.
A. make
B. take
C. get
D. have
14. Don't trust him _____ he says.
E. no matter how
F. no matter why
G. no matter when
H. no matter what
15. He always keep a dictionary ________ within his _______.
A. reach
B. touch
C. arrival
D. getting
16. I promise I'll remember ______ the book to you.
A. return
B. to return
C. returning
D. returned
17. They _______ several extra bus lines during the rush hours.
A. get
B. have
C. run
D. take
18. Julia _____ a pleasant hour talking with friends.
A. spent
B. took
C. went
D. cost
19. They succeeded _____ overcoming the difficulties they encountered.
A. to
B. on
C. in
D. of
20. I'll not go to the party _______ I am invited.
A. or
B. till
C. unless
D. when

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