- 欢迎访问黑龙江自考网!本站为考生提供黑龙江自考信息服务,网站信息供学习交流使用,非政府官方网站,官方信息以黑龙江省教育考试院https://www.hljea.org.cn/为主。
1. To our surprise, she suddenly ______ in front of us.
A. appealed
B. appeared
C. appeased
D. prepared
2. They have ______ to meet me at the airport.
A. assigned
B. ready
C. arranged
D. settled
3. She know nothing about his journey ______ he was likely to be away for three months.
A. except that
B. except for
C. besides
D. beside
4. Who is to ______ for starting the fire?
A. charge
B. blame
C. accuse
D. indict
5. They ______ Tom to be their representative.
A. selected
B. picked
C. elected
D. chose
6. The sky is _____ after the rain.
A. clearing out
B. clearing away
C. clearing up
D. clearing off
7. He ______ to realize that he was mistaken.
A. came
B. took
C. made
D. got
8. She was ______ hit when her only daughter got killed in a car crash.
A. large
B. big
C. hard
D. much
9. I'm so tired I can ______ walk.
A. almost
B. hardly
C. nearly
D. probably
10. You'd better have that bad tooth _______ out.
A. pull
B. pulled
C. to pull
D. pulling

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